org kata... life nie complex, serabut and haru-biru...
org kata... life nie simple, semua dah tersedia.. one straight line...
pada aku...
life nie mcm ruang gelap...
kite tak tau apa yg ade depan kite...
kite berjalan ke suatu arah...
kite terlanggar dan tersungkur...
kite cuba berjalan lagik... dan tersungkur lagik...
bila dah penat utk terus mencuba... kite mengubah arah perjalanan kite...
dan kite masih tak tau apa yg ade depan kite...
2 ulasan:
As for me< Life is Universal depends on how we interpret it...
It could driving through a long journey... You must look forward, there are times where the road not as you expected, options for you to decide. Don't forget to look back once a while as you need to secure your journey. but most importantly, have faith, you'll reach your destination.
well said.. couldn't agreed more.
but as human.. we intent to forget to look back...
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